Tuesday, June 17, 2008

so yea now u on what happened thats what happend

so yes im rite
what happened to the dinosaurs the dinosaurs died because a big mediarite hit them and the all died so there thatz what happened

Acids and Bases

We are going to find out about acids and bases. Please go to https://www.onslownet.school.nz/student/science/tops/Chem/sub/measureacid/measureacids.htm
read and try the quiz questions on the left hand side. Next go to the Gem Juice bar and see if you can get the right mix http://scienceview.berkeley.edu/showcase/flash/juicebar.html

Monday, June 16, 2008

Extincted Dinosaurs

The most popular reason why dinosaurs got extinct is that a huge meteor about the size of the moon crashed down to the earth and covered the earth in dust for 1000 years the plant eaters died because the plant couldnt get any sun light to grow, and themeat eaters died because they didnt have any thing to eat because the plant eaters were dead!
Nobody is absolutely sure of what happened to the dinosaurs, but some scientist think that it may of been a large astroid or a volcano eruption and some believed that is was the ice age. This all happened about 65 million years ago.
Nobody is sure on what happened with the dinosoures . There have been lots of different theories and alot of scientist think that it could be a volcano euroption a large astriod or mabey the ice age. This all happend 65 million years ago.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

What happened to the Dinosaurs

Research and give scientific evidence why the dinosaurs became extinct.  Please write at least one paragraph - you may share ideas of each other on this blog